Showing posts with label exception handling with assert. Show all posts
Showing posts with label exception handling with assert. Show all posts

Saturday, November 19, 2016

Nice Way to Raise Exception - Assert

'assert' keyword in function is a nice way by which we can raise an exception. With using assert there is no humdrum of try-except, and we can still have a smooth code. Look at the example below -

import random
for i in range(1,50):
    assert num!=i,'Yes it is the '+str(i)+'th element'
    print i

Here , I have a condition in assert; if the condition is satisfied throughout the loop then I will have the exception. In this code suppose we have a num=12 then we will have the exception only when the value of i and num are same. Otherwise the loop will continue. So we'll get the value of i 1 to 11 and then exception and the program halts there.

You see assert is a small go through to avoid or create exception, but in bigger problems we need try and except to not only catch the exception but also if found redirect it.[ Next Topic]

Comical Assert:
assert - 'Hey! I don'tzz  wannaa do zzhissss, so I gonna stooop here if I encounterrr the problem ' 
you - "ok, boss!!"

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