Showing posts with label regular expression. Show all posts
Showing posts with label regular expression. Show all posts

Thursday, August 31, 2017

Extracting Email id Using Python Regular Expression

Regular expression is handy for extracting important part from a document or a string.  Suppose you want to extract email id from a string then it can be easily done by '\S+@\S+' this expression. Where \S represents non-whitespace character, then followed by an @ sign and again by \S;as actually it is in a generic email id. So , let's get the code and extract email id - 

import re

str = 'I have tried to email you at but it did not work so I send the mail to you by using your rediff account  at  @2PM'

lst = re.findall('\S+@\S+', str)

print lst  

The output will be  - ['',í],  

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