Monday, July 6, 2015

Python String

Python string is a delicately build data type in python. You have to write string like this  -
a="This is a string"
you can print in upper case by
a.upper() #"THIS IS A STRING" is the output
and in lowercase by
a.lower() #"this is a string" is the output
a.swapcase() #"tHIS IS A STRING" - swaps the case of the string
#Creates the list by dividing the string by spaces
you can split the strin with other characters too. e.g ,,>,any character

splitting a string by example :

open your python idle or notepad and write the following  -

a=raw_input("Enter a your full name")
print "Welcome %s"%a[0]
print "Your surname is %s"%a[1]

save the program with a .py extension and run it.You will see you not only split the entered name to first name and surname ut printed them in a suitable manner by storing them in a list.

For more information and knowledge base go to and watch the video below.

You can also slice string by the following option -
Suppose you have a string
>> a="Hello, this is me"
>>a[0] will print 'H'
>> a[1] will print 'e'
>>a[0:3] will print 'Hel'
>>a[1:4] will print 'ell'
>>a[-1] will print d
>>a[9:-1] will print 'l'

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