Thursday, May 25, 2017

Cyberoam Firewall - How to block sites and url

The procedure to block unwanted websites/ip address and ports by a cyberoam firewall is as follows -

  • First login and then go to objects > hosts . Add a blockIPList as I have done in the above picture. Click ok after adding all the IPs you want to block.
  • In the same way go the object > services . Add the ports you want to block. As I have created a blocked ports.

  • Then go to Firewall > Rule. Under the LAN to WAN policy create a new rule. As the picture above Enter the services and hosts as previously created.
Now  if you want to simply block a website from your network , do the following steps - 

  • Go to web filter > category. Create a category by clicking add category and then adding the websites you want to block.
  • Next add the category to your web policy and block connection from those sites.

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