Thursday, June 14, 2018

Difference of Single Aterisk * to Double Asterisk ** in python argument

The single asterisk in argument is given to read multiple arguments at once . In the below code if we call multiply(3,4,5,6) then the code will read all the inputs and then multiply. Otherwise we can not read multiple arguments.

def multiply(*args):
    for arg in args:
    return total

>>> multiply(3,4,5)
....  60
If we want to read a dictionary as argument or arbitrary keyword arguments then ** is needed.e.g.

def accept(**kwargs):
    for keyword, value in kwargs.items():
        print("%s -> %r" % (keyword, value))

>>> accept(foo=2,faa=3,gaa="gaa")
('foo', 2)
('faa', 3)
('gaa', 'gaa')


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