Saturday, March 5, 2016

Error Opening python IDLE in windows 7

I had to format my computer for some reason. I decided to bring something new in my life , so instead of Ubuntu I have installed the Windows 7. After installing windows 7 my first job was to install python IDLE. I installed the software using next-next-blah-blah..., So it was on my desktop and I cheerfully clicked on the IDLE icon.

It said "IDLE's subprocess didn't make connection. Either IDLE can't start or personal firewall software is blocking connection." I received this error first time as I am new to windows platform or may be it is common in windows 7. I decided to uninstall and install the software again, But the problem persisted, though in most of the cases the re-installation solves the problem.

After a while I solved the problem by just running the IDLE as administrator and it worked. So, if you get this problem just right click on the icon with shift pressed and run as administrator. This will solve your problem.

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